What is South West Queensland Christian Convention?
Hosted at the Dalby Christian College, SWQCC is an annual conference that started with the purpose of supporting and encouraging regional churches in South West Queensland by gathering together as one body. With a focus on gospel centred preaching, SWQCC runs sessions and seminars over one weekend each year, that are built for Christians in rural areas. We also share stories of Christian life from the South West region, with the hope of building up believers who may usually be isolated from gathering in large groups.
Gary was our 2024 speaker with a passion for teaching & Preaching god's word

Our awesome seminars will be announced soon!
Across the weekend a team of helpers from Christ Central Church in Eatons Hill Brisbane will be leading the primary aged kids through a program helping them focus on the gospel in their own live.
Creche will be provided in the the Dalby Christian College’s early learning centre facilities on site.
There will also be several activities for high school students throughout the weekend, run by youth leaders who have a passion for sharing the gospel and building relationships with rural youth students.
SWQCC kids and youth team members all have blue cards and are required to have obtained a certification in child safety training.
The SWQCC committee would love you to take something away from convention to help you and the church family you are with keep growing.
The Wandering Bookseller is a an excellent service. They are based in the NSW Blue Mountains and travel to conventions to make it easier for organisers and convention goers to get great books.
The Wandering Bookseller
At the convention you can buy books to help you grow
Dalby Christian College
Registration and the main part of convention is held in the Auditorium at Dalby Christian College. The kids, creche and Citizens programs are held at various locations throughout the school.
The street address is 2A Mary street.
The SWQCC committee would like to thank the college for their generous support of the convention.

Derek Schiller
Derek is the pastor at Mundubbera Baptist Church. He has a passion for seeing the gospel of Jesus proclaimed in rural and regional areas.

Jodie Schiller
Jodie’s in partnership with Derek in ministry in church in Mundubbera. Jodie’s passionate about evangelism and doing ministry in the mess of life with women.

Anna Pateman
Anna’s a special education teacher at Goondiwindi High. She grew up going to conventions just like this and is looking forward to bringing people together.

Sally hemming
Sally’s a farmer, church planter, and passionate about sticking to the gospel. With her husband Rob they have been delighted to see the beginning and growth of a new church family in Dirrabandi in recent years. They were guests at the first SWQCC and now both serve on the committee.

Rob Hemming
Rob’s a farmer, church planter, and passionate about sticking to the gospel. With his wife Sally they have been delighted to see the beginning and growth of a new church family in Dirrabandi in recent years. They were guests at the first SWQCC and now both serve on the committee.