Join Jen and Gillian as they talk about Hebrews and Gospel ministry in Italy

Jen Foo

Jen serves on the GROW committee. She’s a wife, mum of three and also a voice actor who loves to lock herself up in a padded room with a microphone. Jen loves conversations that point her eyes back to Jesus.

Gillian Law

Gillian has been living in Italy since 2014 as a cross cultural worker with CMS (Church Missionary Society) QLD/Northern NSW. She is the staff worker for GBU Rome, covering three public universities and numerous private ones. Gillian works alongside Christian students to train, encourage, and set an example in sharing the message of Christ at university. As Gillian mentions in this episode, she is currently in Australia catching up with partner churches.

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Reading the Bible with a non-Christian friend

For some great ideas and guidance, we recommend:

One to One Bible Reading by David Helm

  • Lots of practical ideas and simple structures for working through passages

Available at the Wandering Bookseller and Reformers Bookshop