QCCA Exists…
to serve God’s Kingdom and the churches of QLD by running Christian conferences, helping Christians connect with one another, and encouraging them towards maturity and the proclamation of Jesus as the hope of the world. Our conferences aim to provide biblical teaching that’s relevant to Queenslanders today, irrespective of their background or denomination. Those who run our conferences, and the members of our governing council, are evangelical Christians committed to the growth and strengthening of the churches in Queensland. You can read more about us below, but feel free to contact us.
What we do
What we do
Queensland Christian Convention Association has been providing conferences for growing Christians since 1998, beginning with the Queensland Youth Convention (QYC) in a tin shed at Mt Tamborine.
Sensing a need for further conventions of this theological ilk, Queensland Christian Convention Association Inc (QCCA) was formed as the governing organisation for QYC and any future conventions that may be run. GROW (a women’s Bible teaching conference), Y (young adults conference, formerly STIR & QYC), Ignite, Brisbane Ministry Wives Network, and most recently NQCC and SWQCC all now form part of our commitment to growing Christians through conferences.
Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs
We take the biblical command of rightly dividing the word of truth seriously and is committed to the bible being handled in terms of 2 Timothy 2:15. We’re committed to the doctrines of grace. In common usage these are defined as “Sola Scriptura, Sola Christus, Sola gratia, Sola fide” which is understood to mean “Scripture alone, salvation through Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone.”
QCCA has a high view of the sovereignty of God in every area of life, including evangelism, and is committed to the preaching of the gospel.
There is only one God, who exists eternally in 3 persons: Father, Son and Spirit, in perfect unity.
He is the almighty and loving Creator, saviour and judge who sustains and governs all things according to his sovereign will for his own glory.
Jesus Christ
God demonstrated his love towards us by sending his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is both fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life in obedience to the Father. He died on the cross, rose in physical bodily form from the dead, and in his resurrected body ascended into heaven where he is exalted forever as ruler over all.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has been sent from heaven by the Father and the Son. He enables people to turn to God, the Father, and to trust in Jesus Christ, the Lord, convicting and assuring them of the infallible truth and divine authority of the Scriptures. He makes the death of Christ effective to individual sinners, imparting spiritual life. God’s Spirit dwells in all those he has regenerated, producing in them likeness to Christ in attitudes, actions and speech. The purpose of the life of the individual Christian while on earth is to glorify God by humbly serving Him, His people and the advancement of His Kingdom in this world.
The Bible
The Bible, as originally given, is the God-breathed and infallible Word of God. This precious, life-giving Word is completely trustworthy, necessary and sufficient for our knowledge of God and for salvation. It is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
All people, men and women, are created in God’s image and are called to love God with all their beings. However, since the Fall, all people are guilty of rebellion against God and human nature is thoroughly corrupted by sin. This makes everyone subject to God’s righteous anger and condemnation.
Salvation is entirely the gracious gift of God to those He calls and cannot be earned or deserved. It is accomplished only through the atoning death, once and for all time, of our representative and substitute, Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and sinners. By Christ’s death, in which he accepted the penalty and punishment for sin that was due to us, God’s anger is turned aside, we are redeemed from sin and death, and we are declared to be righteous in God’s sight.
This salvation is offered in the gospel and received by turning to God from sin and trusting in Jesus Christ. In this way, God’s people are saved and justified by grace alone which is received through faith alone in Christ alone.
The People of God
The Lord Jesus Christ builds the church, his people, through the proclamation and teaching of his Word. All who have been saved through the work of Christ are members of his church and united with one another. God has equipped his people with gifts to be used for mutual edification in the church and for the proclamation of the gospel to the world. All Christians are equal before God and all are full members of his family, even as we have been given different and distinctive roles under God in the Church, with authority and teaching responsibilities within mixed adult gatherings to be exercised by biblically-qualified men.
The Future
The Lord Jesus Christ will return from heaven on that Day which is known to, and appointed by, God alone. He will welcome his people into a life of eternal joy in fellowship with God, and he will execute God’s condemnation to eternal punishment on all who have not received him. On that day all sin, suffering and death will be completely destroyed and God will be glorified forever, living eternally with His people in His New Creation.
Our Vision
Our Vision
QCCA exists to glorify God by communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples. All of our activities, thoughts and words have this purpose.
Resource Partner
To be a resource-partner for the churches of south east Queensland and northern NSW.
Equip God’s People
To help equip God’s people in those churches with skills for building up the body of Christ to maturity
Focus Skills
To focus those skills which enable better reading, understanding and application of the Bible.
Expository Bible Teaching
To use expository Bible teaching as the primary means of equipping.